My Winter Skincare Routine: 13 Must-Try Techniques for a Radiant Glow

Winter skincare routine


Winter is here, and you know what that means – it’s time to switch up our skincare routine to combat the harsh effects of the cold weather. 

My skin doesn’t like winter. How do I know?

When I was younger and needed more information and knowledge on caring for my skin during cold days, winter would catch me completely unprepared. My skin would become dry, redness would appear on certain parts of my face, and that familiar unpleasant feeling of tightness and flakiness would set in. The recovery process took a long time. I bought many products to restore its barrier and return it to its previous state.

Unpleasantness, time, effort, and money were invested, all because I didn’t know how to care for my skin when temperatures dropped, when the winds started blowing, and the air pollution increased—to prevent it from happening in the first place.

I had to learn it the hard way. I read a lot, researched, and gained knowledge after completing a school for skincare formulation. Now, I can share all my knowledge about a skincare routine in cold weather with you. 

I am delighted to have the opportunity to share with you my winter skincare routine that will leave your skin glowing and radiant. From cleansing to nourishing, I’ll cover it all! 


Winter is almost magical, with snowflakes falling gently and holidays just around the corner. But cold weather and dry air can be harsh on our skin. Low humidity levels and chilly winds can rob your skin of essential moisture, leaving it dry, itchy, and even cracked. 

Changing our skincare routine to combat these winter woes is crucial – this means more than just slapping on an extra layer of moisturizer. It calls for a comprehensive approach, considering everything from our diet to the temperature of our showers.

When winter rolls in, the colder temperatures can greatly compromise our skin health. With the air becoming dry and the winds getting more robust, our bodies lose moisture quickly, leading to dry, chapped skin. It’s not just about the harsh outdoor weather. Indoor heating systems also contribute to drying out our skin. Switching up our skincare routine is crucial to cater to these changes and protect our skin from damage.

But it’s not all bad news. Winter can also be a great time to focus on comforting and nourishing your skin. The chilly season makes us all want to stay in and indulge in some much-needed self-care, which includes taking extra care of our skin. Think of it as nurturing your skin and giving it much-needed attention during these harsh months.

The importance of skincare in winter cannot be overstated.

It’s not just about looking good but also about maintaining the health of your skin. Let’s face it: dry, itchy, irritated skin isn’t just uncomfortable; it can lead to more severe issues like eczema or dermatitis. Therefore, a proper skincare routine in winter is not just about vanity but also about well-being.

1. Stay Hydrated

We all know hydration is key to healthy skin. However, during winter, staying hydrated becomes more important than ever. With cold weather and indoor heating making our skin dry, consuming plenty of fluids can help replenish necessary hydration levels.

The general recommendation is to drink at least eight glasses of water daily. However, your body might need more depending on your weight, activity level, and how dry your environment is. So listen to your body. If you feel thirsty, drink up!

Besides drinking water, you can also hydrate your skin through your diet. Incorporate fruits and vegetables high in water, such as cucumbers, oranges, and watermelon, into your meals. Soups and broths are also great hydration options for those chilly days.

Coconut water is a natural hydrating drink due to its high electrolyte content, especially potassium, making it an excellent beverage for restoring hydration and replenishing electrolytes lost during exercise.

Remember, hydration is not just about water.

Over-consumption of caffeinated drinks and alcohol can dehydrate your skin. So, while reaching for that steaming mug of coffee or that comforting glass of wine on a cold winter day is tempting, remember to balance it with plenty of water.

2. Hydrating Cleanser

Please switch to a gentle, hydrating cleanser to avoid stripping the skin of its natural oils. Cream-based cleansers are ideal for winter.

Using a hydrating cleanser during winter is crucial for maintaining healthy skin. In colder months, the air tends to be drier, which can strip moisture from the skin, leading to dryness, flakiness, and irritation. 

A hydrating cleanser helps to gently remove impurities and makeup without disturbing the skin’s natural moisture barrier. It’s usually enriched with ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, or natural oils, which provide extra hydration and help to keep the skin supple and nourished.

Switching to a hydrating cleanser in winter can make a significant difference in maintaining the skin’s hydration levels and overall health. 

Look for cleansers containing aloe vera, glycerin, or plant oils-TreeTo Tub Sensitive Skin Face Wash 

You can find comprehensive information about cleansers and recommendations for each skin type here.

3. Exfoliate Regularly– The Necessity of Exfoliating

Exfoliation is a critical part of your winter skincare routine. When your skin is dry or dehydrated, it can create a buildup of dead skin cells. You remove this layer by exfoliating, allowing your skin to absorb more moisture and nutrients.

  • Why exfoliate? Exfoliating during winter is crucial. It sloughs off dead skin cells, revealing the fresh, healthy skin underneath. This helps your moisturizers and serums penetrate deeper and work more effectively. 
  • Types of exfoliants: Look for gentle exfoliants like lactic acid or enzymes from fruits like papaya and pineapple. They are gentle on the skin and do not strip it of its natural oils.
  • How often to exfoliate: Ideally, you should be exfoliating once or twice a week during winter. However, if your skin feels sensitive or irritated, cut back and exfoliate less frequently.

Choose products with gentle, natural exfoliating ingredients such as fruit acids or oat flour. For example, SonageGommage Exfoliating Gel is a good choice. For more recommendations, you can type here.

The Ideal Exfoliation Frequency

Now, how often should I exfoliate in winter? The answer to this varies from person to person and depends on your skin type. However, as a general rule, I recommend exfoliating 1-2 times a week in winter to avoid over-stripping your skin.

Exfoliate Regularly- The Necessity of Exfoliating

Seek out serums that contain hyaluronic acid, plant extracts, or aloe vera juice. Some great options include
Juice Beauty Antioxidant Serum, but you can find a more exhaustive list here. 

4. Moisturize Effectively

Moisturizing is crucial in winter. As the cold, harsh weather strips the skin of its natural moisture, we need to help it by adding some back. It is essential to find a moisturizer that suits your skin type and adequately nourishes it.

The importance of moisturizing cannot be overstated, especially in winter. When the cold air tries to sap all the moisture from our skin, moisturizing works as our first line of defense. It replenishes the hydration levels in our skin and seals in the moisture to maintain its suppleness and health. 

Different skin types demand different kinds of moisturizers.

Those with dry skin might need a heavier, oil-based moisturizer, while those with oily skin will benefit from a light, water-based one. Look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid and ceramides, which provide deep hydration.

Choosing the right moisturizer can feel daunting, given the many options available. But it doesn’t have to be. When selecting a moisturizer, be sure to refer to your skin type. Checking the product label for key ingredients and ensuring it’s free from harsh chemicals can help you make a well-informed decision.

Lastly, remember to moisturize right after you wash your face or bathe. This helps to lock in the maximum moisture in your skin, keeping it hydrated and plump throughout the day.

Various types of moisturizers are available, each designed to cater to different skin types. For oily skin, go for a light, gel-based moisturizer. For dry skin, a thicker cream or oil-based moisturizer is suitable. For combination skin, a lotion-based moisturizer that isn’t heavy but does provide enough moisture would work best.

When choosing a moisturizer, look for key ingredients like hyaluronic acid and ceramides. Hyaluronic acid is a powerful humectant that can retain moisture in the skin, while ceramides help strengthen the skin’s natural barrier, preventing moisture loss.

Moisturizer with Ceramides:

Opt for creams that contain ceramides, essential fatty acids, and natural emollients:

Skinfix Barrier+ Triple Lipid-Peptide Refillable Face Cream and First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream are an excellent choice.

Remember to moisturize your skin right after bathing. When your skin is still damp, it can absorb the moisturizer better, making it more effective. And remember, moisturizing is not just for the face – don’t neglect your neck, hands, feet, and other body parts.

5. Don’t Skip Sunscreen

Now, let’s bust a common myth. Just because it’s winter and the sun isn’t as visible doesn’t mean you should skip your sunscreen. 

Here are a few reasons why:

  • Snow Reflects

Sunlight: If you live in a snow-filled area or love skiing, you’re even more exposed to the sun’s harmful rays. Snow can reflect up to 80% of the UV rays, increasing your risk of sunburn.

  • UVA Rays Are Still

Present: While UVB rays (responsible for sunburn) decrease during winter, UVA rays (which cause premature aging) are present all year round.

  • High Altitudes

Increase Exposure: If you live at high altitudes, UV radiation exposure increases, making sunscreen essential even on cloudy winter days.

Look for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. It will protect your skin from both UVA and UVB rays. If you plan on spending a lot of time outdoors, skiing, or enjoying a winter picnic, apply sunscreen every two hours.

Just like your moisturizer, your sunscreen should also match your skin type. Those with oily skin might prefer a gel-based or mattifying sunscreen, while those with dry skin might find a moisturizing sunscreen more suitable.

Remember, sun protection is not just about applying sunscreen. Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes, and use a lip balm with an SPF to protect your lips from the harsh winter sun. 


Look for natural sunscreens with mineral filters like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. 

ThinkSport SPF 50+and ATTITUDE Mineral Sunscreen Stick, Unscented, SPF 30 are excellent options.

6. Overnight Treatments

Choose overnight masks or oils rich in antioxidants and nourishing oils. Useful options include
Kiehl’s Midnight Recovery Concentrate and Neals Yard Remedies Age-Defying Overnight Mask.

Lastly, avoid making common winter skincare mistakes, such as using harsh, alcohol-based toners or skipping your nighttime skincare routine.

7. Lip CareProtect Your Lips

Winter can be particularly harsh on your lips. Here are three effective ways to keep them moisturized:

  •  Incorporate Lip Balm into Your Routine: Apply a lip balm before bed so it can work its magic overnight. Choose one with ingredients like shea butter, beeswax, or lanolin that create a protective barrier on your lips.
  •  Hydrate and Mind Your Diet: Drinking water and eating moisture-rich fruits can help hydrate your lips from within.
  •  Avoid Licking Your Lips: Your saliva can worsen dry lips by evaporating and taking more moisture.

Look for lip balms with natural ingredients such as beeswax, shea butter, and coconut oil. 

Attitude Lip Balm Coconut and Biossance Rose Vegan Lip Balm are good choices.

biossance squalane rose lip balm

For that extra care, I recommend slathering on Laneige’s Lip Sleeping Mask applying before bed.

8. Hand and Feet Cream

Don’t Forget Your Hands and Feet

Remember to protect your hands. They are often exposed to the cold and can become dry and cracked. Wear gloves outdoors and apply a thick hand cream regularly.

Select hand creams that contain shea butter, aloe vera, or jojoba oil.

BIOS Organics Natural CBD Hand Moisturizing Cream and  KORA Organics Nourishing Hand & Body Lotion 

Second, pay attention to your feet. They can also become dry and cracked during winter. Use a foot moisturizer cream to keep them soft and smooth-The Yellow Bird All Natural Foot Cream

For an intensive treatment, apply a generous amount of cream on your hands or feet, put on some cotton gloves or socks, and let it work overnight. You’ll wake up to soft, supple hands and feet.

Remember to apply sunscreen to your hands when stepping out. They are one of the first body parts to show signs of aging, and keeping them protected from the sun can keep them looking young and fresh.

9. Keep Your Showers Short and Lukewarm

While a hot, steamy shower feels fabulous on a cold winter day, it can strip your skin of its natural oils, leaving it dry and flaky. Switch to lukewarm water, which is less damaging to the skin. It might not be as satisfying as a hot shower, but your skin will thank you later.

Treat Your Skin Right in the Shower

A gentle, fragrance-free body wash and avoiding harsh soaps can help keep your skin healthy. Pat your skin dry gently instead of lightly rubbing it with a towel.

Moisturize Right After Your Shower

Finally, remember to moisturize your skin right after you leave the shower- this will help lock in the moisture and keep your skin hydrated and soft.

10. Protection and Care for the Delicate Skin around the Eyes

For most people, the area around the eyes is the most sensitive during the cold and windy winter days – this is also true for me. That’s why I’ve given special attention to this topic and developed a routine to address it.

To care for the delicate skin around the eyes, choose ‘natural and clean’ products that are gentle, effective, and tailored for the sensitive skin in this area. Here are some recommendations:

Gentle Cleansing: Use a mild, hydrating cleanser to remove makeup and impurities from the area around the eyes. Avoid rubbing or excessive pulling of the skin. 

Simple Kind to Skin Micellar Cleaning Water: This micellar water is gentle and effective for removing eye makeup.

Rejuva Minerals Cranberry Fruit Makeup Remover Pads: Specially formulated for sensitive skin, it does not irritate the eye area.

Hydration: Using a hydrating cream specifically formulated for the eye area can help maintain hydration. Creams containing hyaluronic acid, peptides, or ceramides are a good choice.

Whamisa Organic Flowers Eye Essence: Its rich texture provides intense hydration with organic ingredients.

True Botanicals Renew Resurrection Radiance Eye Cream: This cream contains caffeine from coffee and green tea to reduce under-eye circles and puffiness.

Sun Protection: Apply a cream with SPF protection around the eyes during the day, even in winter, to protect the skin from harmful UV rays. 

Supergoop! Bright-Eyed 100% Mineral Eye Cream SPF 40: This cream offers explicit sun protection for the eye area.

Anti-Aging Ingredients: If you’re concerned about wrinkles, look for products that contain retinol or vitamin C, peptides that can help reduce fine lines and improve skin texture.

Using Serums: Lightweight serums designed for the area around the eyes can provide additional nutrients and antioxidants.

True Botanicals Deep Repair Eye Serum: This is a lightweight serum that reduces the appearance of wrinkles, dark circles, and puffiness.

Tata Harper Restorative Eye Creme: Contains natural ingredients for revitalizing the skin around the eyes.

Gentle Massage: Gentle massage of the area around the eyes can improve circulation and reduce puffiness. You can use your fingers or special tools for massage, such as jade rollers.

Compresses: Cold compresses or cryo packs can soothe swollen and tired eyes. 

ALVERDE Natural Cosmetics Hydro Eye Roll-On 20 ml: This product combines massage and cold therapy to reduce puffiness.

Enough Sleep: Quality sleep is essential for skin health, including the area around the eyes.

Hydration from Within: Drinking enough water is essential for maintaining skin hydration.

Avoid Allergens: If you have allergies, try to identify and avoid allergens that can cause irritation and swelling around the eyes. 

Be Natural Organics Hyaluronic Serum– Ideal for people with sensitive skin and allergies, it does not contain known irritants.

11. Invest in a Humidifier

Using a humidifier in winter can work wonders for your skin. As the name suggests, it adds humidity or moisture to the air, which can help keep your skin from drying out. Living in a dry climate or using heaters in your home can dry the air and lead to dry skin.

Various types of humidifiers are available in the market, from cool mist to warm mist and steam vaporizers. Choose one depending on your needs and preferences. For instance, a warm mist humidifier can help soothe your symptoms if you’re prone to colds and flu.

To gain maximum benefits from a humidifier, place it in the room where you spend most of your time, like your bedroom. Remember to clean it regularly to prevent mold and bacteria growth and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for optimal use. A good humidifier can contribute to better air moisture. Any effective model will do is Honeywell.

12. Nourish from Within

What we ingest is just as crucial for our skin health as what we apply topically. Hence, feeding our bodies with nutrient-rich foods is as essential as investing in a good skincare routine. 

Winter offers a bounty of fresh, in-season produce that promotes skin health. Vitamin C-rich foods like oranges, kiwis, and bell peppers can aid collagen synthesis and protect your skin against damage.

Similarly, foods high in healthy fats like avocados, nuts, and seeds can help keep your skin plump and hydrated.

Moreover, remember to include some protein sources in your diet. Protein is essential for repairing skin cells and keeping your skin healthy. Lean meats, fish, tofu, and lentils are excellent protein sources.


The Impact of Diet on Skin During Winter Months 

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, walnuts, and flaxseed, can help maintain skin moisture and reduce inflammation.

Vitamins and Antioxidants: Fruits and vegetables high in vitamins A, C,

and E, such as carrots, citrus fruits, and dark green vegetables, contribute to skin protection and cell renewal.

Water: Drinking enough water is crucial for hydrating the skin from within.

Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine: These substances can dehydrate the skin, so it’s necessary to limit them.

Healthy Fats: Avocado, olive oil, and nuts contain healthy fats nourishing skin.

Supplementation: Lastly, take supplements to fill any nutritional gaps. Omega-3s, Vitamin E, and Vitamin D are all beneficial for skin health and may be especially useful during winter.

13. Pamper Yourself with Face Masks

Face masks can be a perfect addition to your winter skincare routine. They provide intense hydration and nourishment; let’s admit it: they feel indulgent and relaxed.

Regarding types of face masks, many options depend on your skin concerns. Hydrating masks with hyaluronic acid or aloe vera are great for dry skin. 

If you have dull skin, look for brightening masks with Vitamin C or niacinamide.

You can also whip up homemade masks if you’re a DIY lover. One of my favorites is a simple oatmeal mask. Grind some oatmeal, mix it with honey, apply it on your face, and wash off after 15 minutes. This mask is gentle yet moisturizing, leaving your skin soft and supple.

Recommendations for Homemade Skin Care Treatments:

  Hydrating Avocado Mask:

  • Mash a ripe avocado and add a little honey.
  • Apply to the face and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse with warm water.

Sugar and Honey Lip Scrub:

  • Mix equal parts of sugar and honey.
  • Apply to the lips and gently massage.
  • Rinse with warm water.

  Hydrating Coconut Oil Cream:

  • Melt pure coconut oil.
  • Add a few drops of essential oil of your choice, such as lavender.
  • Put in a clean container and use as a body cream.

 Green Tea Toner:

  • Brew strong green tea and let it cool.
  • Apply to the face with a cotton pad for a soothing and toning effect.


And there you have it – my top winter skincare secrets! Remember that everyone’s skin is unique, so what works for me might not work for you. The key is to listen to your skin and adjust your routine as necessary.

Winter can be harsh on the skin, but we can keep our skin glowing and healthy with extra care and attention. Consistency is the key to great skin, so stick to your winter skincare routine, and you’ll reap the benefits. 

I hope these tips help you keep your skin radiant and healthy this winter. Remember, beautiful skin is about more than looks.

It’s about how you feel in your skin. So take care of it, nurture it, and love it.

So embrace the chilly season with confidence and glowing skin. After all, winter is a time for cozying up, indulging in self-care, and nurturing your skin. And with these skincare secrets, you’re all set to do just that. Happy winters!


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